July 2023
By Mark Rowel Napulan
Amidst diving global shrimp prices, farmers should start competing through internal efficiency. To lower production cost with optimized output achieving maximum profit despite the prevailing market price. Only the most efficient farmer will survive and sustain business in light of the current situation.
Farm Design
Success starts with proper farm design. Allot enough area for reservoir treatment. Pond design should support good circulation and sedimentation in order be efficient in siphoning organic waste.
Carrying Capacity
Know your carrying capacity by determining your available investment intended for farm inputs. Analyze your site and adapt management based on levels of BOD and COD. Carrying capacity is always site specific.
Stock robust post larvae
Source post larvae from reliable supplier with good track record of good survival. Choose genetics based on season. Use AI to assess larva quality (CV, MGR, Length) and request for results of microbiological and PCR (disease-free PLs). Know your hatchery. Hatcheries may use poor quality feeds and could be cheaper, but it will eventually hurt you with poor survival in the end of the production line.
Use Quality Feed
Purchase reputable brand of quality feed without looking at the price. Poor quality feed is a recipe for disaster. 60% of nitrogenous waste comes from feed and ammonia is the biggest contributor to stress and trigger for diseases. Catch survival of shrimps before 60days and control feeds after that period.
Apply cost-effective Probiotics
Know the product you are using. Count cfu/gram of the probiotics you want to use. You should get what you pay for. Many of the probiotics brand in the market today are based on deceptive marketing. Strains of bacillus must be evaluated to inhibit multiple pathogens. It must be proven and tested for ammonia and solids reduction assessed on how fast it consumes organic carbon. Ask your probiotic brand at what count of their bacillus should be applied in ponds to achieve competitive exclusion and prevent pathogen manifestation.
Consistency on production is the key for the shrimp farming industry.